Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Character to Player: Bringing Characters to Life

Bringing Characters to Life

from my last blog about rigging here it a continued part about bringing life onto a character.

Once you have rigged your character in mixamo, export it onto unity in .fbx
Once on Unity Make you have for an asset a Sample Asset. If you don't it available for unity 4.3 or higher at the asset store.

if you already have you may proceed.

Now go to Sample Assets > Characters > Third Person Character > Prefab

In the Third Person Character folder you'll find two ready-made character prefabs, which are used in the third person character sample scenes. These prefabs demonstrate how you can use the third person characters scripts and animations we've included, including an AI-controlled variant which is able to walk towards a specified target, or follow a waypoint-based route.

The simplest way to get started setting up your own character is to take our Third Person Character and replace the art with your own model. To do so, make sure you've imported your own rigged model with a Humanoid avatar, then follow these steps:

1) Start with a suitable scene. There ought to be enough flat ground to walk around on.

2) Place the "Third Person Character" prefab in the scene.

3) Unfold the Third Person Character hierarchy in the hierarchy window, and delete the "Ethan" child object.

4) Place your own character model as a child of the Third Person Character, in place of Ethan.

5) Make sure your character model's position in the inspector is set to zero on X and Z, and that it's Y position is appropriately adjusted so that your character's feet are at the same position as the Third Person Character GameObject. (if you find it easier, you could add your character first before deleting Ethan, so that you can use Ethan's feet as a guide for where your character's feet should be)

7) Hit play, and try controlling your character!

You'll probably want to add a camera rig so that the camera follows the character as it runs off. See the Camera Rig guidelines for instructions on how to do that.

The Third Person Character script exposes a number of properties which determine the jump power, the amount of control while in air, and various other speed and behaviour modifiers. For more detail about each setting, see the comments in the script.

The ThirdPersonUserControl script takes input from the "CrossPlatformInput" class included in the sample assets, however if you're not targeting mobile or prefer to use a different system to read input, you can simply use Unity's built-in Input class in place of CrossPlatformInput. For more information, see the Cross Platform Input guidelines.

The sample scenes provided works on standalone and also include cross platform touch controls which are set up and ready to publish to mobile.

The ThirdPersonAIControl component can be added instead of the user control component, allowing the character to be AI controlled. This relies on a NavMeshAgent to pathfind the way to the target. The NavMeshAgent should be a child object of the Character, as demonstrated in the AI Character Prefab provided. If you want to create your own AI characters, you can follow the steps above, but start with the AI prefab we provided.

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